SEAO, a school and a publishing house
Antonovsky's salutogenesis theory and PNEI integrated science medicine meet to create a model for women's reproductive and sexual health care.
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The elements in midwifery care for puerperium: Fire
The Fire-Energy element During puerperium the woman usually has little energy, mainly conveyed on managing the baby. That is when the midwife can intervene to
The elements in midwifery care for puerperium: Water
The Water-Evolution element Another key element of puerperium is without any doubt Water: the more contained the woman is, the more evolutional-, growth-, and opening
Elements in midwifery care for puerperium: Air
The Air-Cold element Air, in its cold, rational look, stays outside and is the only element that can be damaging for puerperium. During this energetical
Elements in the midwifery care for puerperium: Earth
The Earth-Involution element During the first trimester of exterogestation, the Eart element returns, and is very important. Earth is the slow time of getting to
Where is the midwife during puerperium?
A few years ago I was writing my thesis, titled “Midwifery care during puerperium: needs- and care recommendations evaluation”. Today I am revisiting that topic,
The importance of pauses
All organic activity, starting with the first embryonic cell, is regulated by a rhythm alternating between contraction and expansion. In other words, you could say