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The elements in midwifery care for puerperium: Fire

The Fire-Energy element During puerperium the woman usually has little energy, mainly conveyed on managing the baby. That is when the midwife can intervene to activate the Fire element. Fire is warmth, affection, energy. Fire is spirituality and sacredness of the event. Fire is sexuality and masculine. From the emotional point of view, fire rituals […]

The elements in midwifery care for puerperium: Water

The Water-Evolution element Another key element of puerperium is without any doubt Water: the more contained the woman is, the more evolutional-, growth-, and opening aspects this element naturally represents can take place. Emotional expansion is so great that the mother reports that she “has never been so happy” and post-partum euphoria lasts in time, […]

Elements in midwifery care for puerperium: Air

The Air-Cold element Air, in its cold, rational look, stays outside and is the only element that can be damaging for puerperium. During this energetical void phase, what cools, damages; the mind is focused on perceptions. The reptilian, instinctive, survival capacity, and archaic memories levels are strongly activated. What to do? Inhibiting rationality Among the […]

Elements in the midwifery care for puerperium: Earth

The Earth-Involution element During the first trimester of exterogestation, the Eart element returns, and is very important. Earth is the slow time of getting to know, of adapting, of couvage. Earth is the intimate space of home. But it is also the time of effort, of the research of a balance, of the reconstruction of […]

Where is the midwife during puerperium?

A few years ago I was writing my thesis, titled “Midwifery care during puerperium: needs- and care recommendations evaluation”. Today I am revisiting that topic, in an even more informed way and with a salutogenic view. First of all, it is necessary to describe who midwives are and why they can be the main reference […]

The importance of pauses

All organic activity, starting with the first embryonic cell, is regulated by a rhythm alternating between contraction and expansion. In other words, you could say that any living being is a pulsating being.   Yet, this active rhythm is periodically interrupted by a pause. In the neurophysiological language, this pause is called default mode […]

PNEI of the second trimester of pregnancy

During the second trimester a change in hormones and in the response to stress may be observed. Such change may be either sudden or gradual. There is a notable increase in the hormones of pleasure, libido, and emotional expansion: progesterone, endorphins, prolactin, and of course oestrogens. From the biological point of view, the hormonal state […]

PNEI of the first trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy, from a PNEI point of view, is defined as the trimester “of chaos”, as is destabilizes and urges the woman to adapt. Hormones induce the woman to become receptive, therefore passive. In order to do so, these hormones slow down the person, overturn daily rhythms, increase sleep, make it impossible […]