Terms and conditions of sale
Our digital products that can be purchased from our website www.seaoflorence.it are browseable products that can only be accessed within our restricted area to avoid illegal copying while safeguarding copyright.
Therefore, in order to use our digital publishing products, you must create an account in www.seaoflorence.it at the time of purchase.
1.2 The General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply exclusively to Products and Digital Content purchased on our website www.seaoflorence.it
1.3 The applicable General Terms and Conditions of Sale are those in effect on the date the User sends the purchase order and are available in Italian and English. SEAO reserves the right to modify the General Conditions of Sale at any time. Any amendments and/or new conditions will be in force from the moment of their publication on the Site in the section “Conditions General Conditions of Sale” indicating the date of update. Users are, therefore, invited to regularly consult the relevant section.
2. Premises
2.1 The offer and sale of Products and Digital Content through the Site constitute a distance contract governed by Legislative Decree 9 April 2003, n. 70, containing the rules on electronic commerce and, for Users who have the quality of consumers, by Articles 45 et seq. of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, No. 206, as amended (“Consumer Code”).
2.2 In order to submit an order for a Product or Digital Content, you must read, carefully review and understand these TOS.
By submitting your order, the GTC are deemed read and accepted.
2.3 The languages available to Users for the conclusion of the contract are Italian and English. Customer Service is able to communicate with Users in the same languages.
2.4 For anything not expressly governed by these GTC, the provisions set forth in the General Terms of Use shall apply, such as, but not limited to, the provisions on intellectual property rights, changes to the service, specifications of use of the APP and navigation on the Site. Therefore, the General Conditions of Use of the Site form an integral part of the contract concluded between SEAO the User and are considered accepted by the User with the submission of the order. SEAO invites the User to regularly consult the General Conditions of Use of the Site.
3. Purchasing through the Site
3.1 The purchase of Products and/or Digital Content through the Site is allowed both to Users who have the status of consumer in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Consumer Code, and to Users who do not have this status, provided that they are at least 18 years old. For the purpose of verifying the existence of the minimum age required by law, SEAO reserves the right to ask for the social security number or other identification document. If it turns out that the User is under 18 years of age, he/she will be prevented from continuing the purchase process and forwarding the relevant order.
In any case, if for any reason, even of a technical nature, the purchase order should still be sent, it will be immediately terminated in accordance with art. 1456 of the Civil Code, given its contrary to the GTC and/or current legislation. The User will be promptly informed by e-mail of the cancellation of the order and, where payment has already been made, SEAO will make a refund of the Total Amount Due, consisting of the purchase price of the Product, shipping costs, if applied, and any other additional costs, as indicated in the order form, in the manner and timing indicated in the refunds section.
3.2 The purchase of Products and/or Digital Content is essential to create a User Account holder.
3.3 The registered User warrants that the personal information provided during the Site registration process is complete and true and agrees to hold SEAO harmless and indemnified from any and all claims, damages, indemnification obligations, and/or penalties arising out of or in any way related to the User’s violation of the rules on Site registration or retention of registration credentials.
3.4 SEAO reserves the right to refuse or cancel orders that come from (i) a User with whom it has ongoing legal disputes; (ii) a User who has previously violated these GTC and/or the conditions and/or terms of the purchase agreement with SEAO; (iii) a User who has been involved in fraud of any kind and, in particular, in fraud relating to payments by credit card or other payment instruments; (iv) Users who have provided false, incomplete or otherwise inaccurate identification data or who have failed to promptly send SEAO the documents same required under the procedure set forth in Article 8.1.1 below or who have sent invalid documents.
4. The contract between SEAO and the User.
4.1 In accordance with Legislative Decree No. 70 of 9 April 2003 on electronic commerce, SEAO informs that:
(a) in order to conclude the contract for the purchase of one or more Products through the Site, the User must complete an order in electronic format and transmit it to SEAO, electronically, by following the instructions that will appear from time to time on the Site;
(b) before proceeding to the transmission of the order, the User may identify and correct any errors in data entry by following the instructions on the Site or modify the order;
c) after the transmission of the order, the User may modify it by (i) accessing the section “My reserved area- orders-“within your SEAO Account and following the instructions that will appear on the Site, in case of changes regarding shipping address the User may write to
e-mail at abbonamenti@seaoflorence.it, unless the Product is already being prepared for shipment;
d) once the order has been registered, SEAO will send to the User, at the e-mail address indicated, an order confirmation containing: a summary of the general and particular conditions applicable to the contract, information relating to the essential characteristics of the Product purchased, a detailed indication of the price, the means of payment used, the delivery costs and any additional costs, as well as information on the right of withdrawal and, in particular, the Standard Instructions on Withdrawal. With the receipt of the order confirmation email, the contract will be considered, therefore, perfected; e) the order will be filed in SEAO’s database for the time necessary for its execution and, in any case, within the terms of the law; the essential elements of the order will be reported in the order confirmation. In addition, the User will be able to access his order by consulting the “orders” section of his private area.
5. Availability of Products
5.1 The Products offered on the Site are those illustrated on the homepage of the Site and/or within the different web pages of the Site at the time the order is placed by the User.
5.2 If the Product is no longer available in the other cases of supervening unavailability, SEAO will notify the User by e-mail. The User who has the status of consumer will, therefore, be entitled to immediately terminate the contract by giving written notice to SEAO. Alternatively, the User who qualifies as a consumer may accept an extension of the delivery terms, with SEAO indicating the new delivery term of the reassorted Product, if a reassortment of the Product is possible, or, if the reassortment is not possible, the User may accept the supply of a different Product of equivalent or higher value, upon payment – in the latter case – of the difference. The User shall promptly notify SEAO of its choice when contacted by Customer Support.
5.4 In the event that the User who qualifies as a consumer avails himself/herself of the right of termination and the payment of the Total Amount Due has already been made, SEAO will make the refund without undue delay and, in any case, within the period of 14 days after termination. The amount of the refund will be communicated to the User by e-mail. In the case of payment by credit card or PayPal, this amount will be credited to the same means of payment used by the User for the purchase. Any delays in crediting may depend on the banking institution, the type of credit card or the payment solution used.
5.5 In the case of a Multiple Order, if the unexpected unavailability affects only some of the Products covered by the order, the provisions of Articles 5.1 and 5.2 above shall apply limited to the unavailable Product(s). If the Product is not in SEAO’s warehouse and its availability is difficult, this circumstance will be indicated in the Product preview and/or within the Product Sheet, through the appropriate wording “Unavailable – We will look for it – Subscription and Shipping Office”.