SEAO, a school and a publishing house
SEAO® is a global approach to female- and reproductive health and a registered trademark.
SEAO® is a publishing house, a popularization project, and training school for healthcare professionals which uses the SEAO® Method.
It promotes an integrated outlook on health through the lens of PNEI, that is, in the union of body and mind, and a midwifery art based on Salutogenesis, that respects human rights and opposes to obstetric- and gender violence.
SEAO® is a feminist project giving midwives the cognitive, clinical, manual, emotional, cultural, and relational tools to be allies of the women through their sexual life steps. SEAO® is nourishment for the midwives’ bodies, hearts, and minds, and a meeting point for a respected and violence-free birth.
Our goal
- Align the midwifery knowledge with the WHO recommendations regarding female- and reproductive health
- Promoting the empowerment of women and midwives all over the world
- Opposing obstetric violence, an expression of the wider gender violence
- Overturning the paradigm of surviving birth into the paradigm of perceived quality and women’s experience, in the long run
- Decolonising birth, treated as healthcare event, to restore birth’s biopsychosocial connotation with sexual, spiritual, archetypical, and symbolic meanings
- Contrasting the technological encirclement of pregnancy, birth, and puerperium based on the systematization of fear and risk
- Reporting the culture of separation and promoting a midwifery care based on continuity (body-mind, mother-baby, birth-sexuality)