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The Essence of Childbirth - Life Journeys and Resources

Autrice: Verena Schmid
ISBN: 9788894211436

The Essence of Childbirth, a bestseller in Italy since 18 years, is aimed to women and their partners, but also to midwives who want to explain physiological resources to women. It narrates the potential residing in the birth experience, a potential that every woman has the power to activate, the symbolic value of the processes of life that are inherent in the journey through pregnancy, birthing and breastfeeding, the emotional and transformative journey of woman and baby, the extraordinary life force that manifests itself within them and also in the father, their multiple resources. This book restores the women’s importance and centrality in the whole process of maternity, guides them from within and supports them in their very personal choices.

The Essence of Childbirth, soon available here, is now available on Barnes&Noble,  Hoepli Store,  Amazon (Kindle), Kobo, Apple Books and on many others online libraries.
